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module feature中文是什么意思

用"module feature"造句"module feature"怎么读"module feature" in a sentence


  • 模块特性
  • 模特性


  • The design feature model , manufacture feature model , fixture feature model of module and part are built and the relations among them are also created . the extracting methods of module feature are also studied
    2 、研究了模块特征表示方法,建立了模块和零件的设计特征模型、制造特征模型和装夹特征模型以及它们之间的关系,并研究了模块特征提取方法。
  • The characteristic of feature module process is investigated . overall procedure of feature module based rapid process preparation is presented . 2 . according to the characteristics of feature based rapid process preparation , the represent methods of module feature is analyzed
    论文的主要工作有: 1 、分析了基于特征模块的零件模块化设计方法,研究了特征模块工艺特点,提出了基于特征模块的快速工艺准备总体过程。
  • The rabbitcore rcm2200 microprocessor module features an integrated ethernet port and provides for network communication systems to be built easily . this paper presents a new scheme based on rcm2200 and gps receiver with the aim to solve dgps location problem through network
  • However , there is no concept directly corresponding to objects in non object - oriented systems . a lot of object - extraction approaches for extracting objects from legacy systems into object - oriented systems . the paper did a lot of in - depth research about object - extracting approach on module features
  • Facing the rapid response manufacturing of part , this paper presents the concept of feature module . starting with the research of module feature model , the part process generating and the modular fixture rapid configuring technologies basing on feature module is studied systematically , which support the rapid process preparation
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